Secretary's Report
From Paul Wade W1GHZ
NEWS Meeting 8 March 2008:
Board of Directors meeting convened 1219 at
Royal Buffet, Enfield, CT
Agenda for NEWS meeting:
- NEWSletter running late
- Treasurers report
- January Contest wrapup
- 78 GHz in 10 GHz and Up Contest
- VHF Conference
- Microwave Activity Days
Board meeting adjourned
NEWS Meeting, Storrs Library, Longmeadow, MA
Called to order by Vice President, KA1OJ, at 1322
- N1EKV - lunch alternatives
- W1ZC - new members signing up via web
don't receive acknowledgement or NEWSletter
MOTION - Treasurer to send welcoming email
or letter to new members. UNANIMOUS
- WZ1V will add instructions to the web site for
joining NEWS email reflector
- Conference registration is now available via PayPal
- Microwave Activity Day, June 7, across Canadian border
- WZ1V is still working on January Contest
Summary, fixing Rumored Scores page
- KJ1K - need to agree on date for GPS work-
ing session. email to
- KA1OJ - 10 GHz & Up Contest results show
no contacts for 78 GHz, but three club members
made them. ARRL will publish correction.
- WA2AAU - suggests that a multi-op could add
more to club aggregate score than same 4 ops individually
- Next meeting at Eastern VHF/UHF Conference
- Club Picnic July 12
Balance is $1865, projected expenses for rest of year ~$836
WA1MBA described progress on 78 GHz amplifier project.
The band 77.5 to 78 GHz is a
primary allocation for the amateur service. Most
amateur bands are secondary allocations.
April Meeting:
Sorry, no notes as the Secretary was AWOL.
73, Paul W1GHZ
NEWS Meeting 12 January 2008, Storrs Library, Longmeadow, MA
Board of Directors meeting convened 1218 at Royal Buffet, Enfield, CT
Agenda for NEWS meeting:
-Life membership update
-Conference prize committee
-GPS build sessions
-show and tell
Board meeting adjourned 1226
NEWS Meeting , Storrs Library, Longmeadow, MA
Called to order by President, KA1OJ, at 1320
* Southeast VHF Societ Conference - sponsoring Design Contest
* Eastern VHF/UHF Conference 4/18-20
- looking for Prize Committee
- papers due mid-March
* Microwave Activity Day - June 6 - Canadian border - K1MAP to coordinate
* discussion - Life membership - ~10 members interested
* Motion by K1MAP - life membership $400, $300 over 65 - passed 11 to 7
- further discussion needed?
* GPS building session - will be held at Berkshire Community College, date tbd
- balance $2303
- 91 paid members
* N2LIV showed his 10 meter Softrock, also one for 10.7 MHz
* W1GHZ showed a new multiband microwave transverter prototype
* N1JEZ showed an OLPC - One Laptop Per Child
Joe Tymecki, N1DMP, Chief Engineer of WCAX-TV, Burlington,VT
talked about Digital Television. On Feb 17, 2009, all
broadcast TV in the US will switch to digital. Many stations
will also change channel assignments. The government will be
subsidizing converters with $40 coupons.
Cable TV and satellite will still have analog outputs, so
no upgrade necessary.
Some websites with more information:
TV Resolution nomenclature:
640x480 (480i) standard analog resolution
1280x720 (720i) ABC, FOX, ESPN
1920x1080 (1080i) CBS, NBC, PBS
1920x1080 (1080p) Blu-Ray, HD-DVD
Audio - Dolby Digital
Video - MPEG2
HDTV is digital, not necessarily Hi-definition.
N1JEZ showed a USB tuner from Pinnacle that plays
DTV on a laptop.
respectfully submitted,
Paul Wade W1GHZ,
Secretary, North East Weak Signal Group
NEWS Meeting 17 November 2007, Storrs Library, Longmeadow, MA
Board meeting convened 1219 at Red Robin Burgers, Enfield, CT Red Robin Burgers
(Home Town Buffet no longer in business)
Agenda for NEWS meeting:
* Conference prize committee
* Life Membership $400? senior discount?
* July picnic 7/12 Knights of Columbus
* MUD summary
* GPS build session - where?
* 1296 beacon
* cross border MAD (Microwave Activity Day
* new BOD location
NEWS Meeting , Storrs Library, Longmeadow, MA
Called to order by President, KA1OJ, at 1306
- balance $2259,
- 87 paid members,14 not renewed yet
- estimated annual expenses $1440
* discussion - Life membership - several interested at $250
* Motion by K1MAP - life membership $400, $300 over 65 - passed 11 to 9
- consensus that further discussion needed at January meeting
* July picnic meeting 7/12 (CQ VHF contest 7/19-20)
* April meeting at Eastern VHF/UHF Conference 4/19
* if interested in GPS building session - indicate on sign in sheet
* new BOD location - Royal Buffet - 0.2mi past old - $6.95
* MUD summary WA1MBA, W1GHZ, N1JEZ
* Eastern VHF/UHF Conference 4/18-20 - looking for Prize Committee, speakers
* 1296 beacon WZ1V - W1RJA FN31th 1296.283+/-
* Microwave Activity Day - 1st Saturday - Canadian border June 08
K1WHS - described his new 50 MHz contest array
4x7el 11 dBd clean H-plane - stack farther apart without sidelobes
vertical stack, 24 ft spacing (reduces high lobes from ground reflection),
wider azimuth, independently rotatable,
antennas selectable independently or in groups
-different heights reduce QSB
-individual feedlines (phase matched) so all switching in shack
-pattern tilt with phasing lines
Adjourned 1509
respectfully submitted,
Paul Wade W1GHZ,
Secretary, North East Weak Signal Group
NEWS Meeting 29 September 2007, Storrs Library, Longmeadow, MA
NEWS 9/29
BOD 12:19
Board meeting convened 1219 at Home Town Buffet, Enfield, CT
Agenda for NEWS meeting:
* Dates for 2008 meetings - 1/5, 3/8, 9/27, 11/15
picnic either 7/12 or 19 whichever is not CQVHF contest
* Suggestion: 2 or 3 members to bring supplies, reimbursed by club
* Prize chairperson for Eastern VHF/UHF Conference needed
Board meeting ended 1241
NEWS Meeting , Storrs Library, Longmeadow, MA
Called to order by President, KA1OJ, at 1310
Visitors: N2GHR, Paul
* K1WHS had a seriour lightning hit
* T-shirts available
* New 10 GHz station NG4C in NC near Virginia Beach
* Motion - July picnic - 2 or 3 members to bring supplies, club to reimburse.
Picnic committee: K1MAP, WZ1V, WA1MBA. Approved unanimously
* Suggestion - meeting dates, times, and directions in NEWSletter
* Treasurers report - members ~93, balance $2055
* Proposal - life membership $400 - tabled until next meeting
* Prize chairperson for Eastern VHF/UHF Conference needed
Meeting adjourned 1508
WA2VNV gave a presentation on his preamp and hi-pass filter system on the
tower to reduce interference on 903 and 1296 MHz. He uses a preamp from
RF Bay (model LNA-1400 and a single filter for both bands,
due to limited space in the box.
Minutes of NEWS meeting 14 July 2007 (Picnic)
at Knights of Columbus, Enfield, CT
President KA1OJ called meeting to order at 1337Z
- member Al Greenwood, N1EUX - Silent Key
- shirts arestill available
- Microwave Update in Valley Forge, PA this year
- N2LIV thanked everyone for the EVHF conference. A new prize chairman is needed.
Treasurers report - balance $1892, fancy cash flow chart, 132 members, 104 email newsletters
Annual election was held:
President - N1JEZ
Directors - W1COT and W1TDS for two year term. K1MAP for one-year term.
All elected unanimously.
Meeting adjourned 1401
MDS testing, 10 and 24 GHz. Results reported separately.
See July 2007 MDS Testing Results.
respectfully submitted,
Paul Wade W1GHZ,
Secretary, North East Weak Signal Group
NEWS Meeting 21 April 2007, at Eastern VHF/UHF Conference
- NEWS Group has made the donation to AMSAT as voted in January
- T-shirts are still available
- N2LIV - a new prize volunteer is needed for next years conference
- K3TUF - MUD 2007 is looking for a hospitality sponsor
MOTION - NEWS Group to sponsor Friday night hospitality with a donation of $300 - APPROVED unanimously
- WA1MBA - election of officers at July meeting, also dues
- WB1CMG - described problem with 450 MHz repeater interference to PavePaws, with an AF proposal to
eliminate all operation within 75 miles. ARRL is working on this.
Treasurers report - $1800 balance, NEWSletters down to 16 hardcopies
NEWS Meeting 10 March 2007, Storrs Library, Longmeadow, MA
Board meeting convened 1221 at Home Town Buffet, Enfield, CT
Agenda for NEWS meeting:
* Worked All Bands - KT1J resigned from working group - sent report
* shirts are available
* WZ1V - talk about Jan contest
Board meeting ended 1241
NEWS Meeting , Storrs Library, Longmeadow, MA
Called to order by President, KA1OJ, at 1320
Visitors: WA2VNV George, KK1CW Walt, K1BXC Dan, KC1V George
* N2LIV - 33rd Eastern VHF/UHF Conference
* KA1OJ - new T-shirts available
* W1GHZ - Mt. Washington conflicts on 10 GHz contest weekends
* K1MAP - 80m net Tuesdays and Thursdays
* WB1CRH - TAPR convention will be in Hartford 9/29-30
* KT1J reported on enhanced Worked All Bands award
- working group unable to reach agreement, proposal withdrawn
* W1TDS - on 5th Thursdays, expand NEWS net to higher bands.
K1MAP suggested trying on other weeks as well.
* WA1HHN - suggested adding CQ VHF contest to web page scores
* K1IIG - offer of tower on Avon Mt. in CT for 1296 or higher beacon
Treasurers Report - WA1MBA
* $2276 balance before $250 donation to AMSAT
* postcard in last NEWSletter for email addresses
Auction - a 2006 MUD Proceedings was auctioned
Meeting adjourned 1520
WZ1V gave a fine talk on VHF contesting. Get on and help our club score.
NEWS Meeting 4 November 2006, Storrs Library, Longmeadow, MA
Board meeting convended 1152 at Friendly's, Enfield, CT
Agenda for NEWS meeting
- propsosed constitution change
- Worked All Bands award - proposed rule change
- location club (legal)
- dates for next year
- meeting place
board meeting ended 1205
NEWS Meeting , Storrs Library, Longmeadow, MA
Called to order by President, KA1OJ, at 1326
- resolution to send letter of thanks to WO1N for meeting at
Boxboro Convention
- resolution to ask K1PXE to write biography of Joe, K1NCO,
and share with Pack Rats
- proposed change to Constitution - K1LE sick, not in attendance
tabled until future meeting
- Worked All Bands award - proposal by KT1J to have multiple
levels, add endorsments for new bands
WA1MBA motion: committee chaired by KT1J to make detailed proposal
- club location, for ARRL and bank, yet to be determined!
- K1MAP reported on WA1ZMS beacon FM07 144.285 1400W ERP
heard in New England
Motion: dates for 2007 meetings - Jan 6, Mar 10, Apr 27-29 conf,
Jul 14, Sep 29, Nov 17 - need to re-affirm July 14 next meeting.
- report: WA2UMX beacons up- 144.288, 222, 1296
- announcement: MUD 2007 will be in Philadelphia
on Oct 18-20 -
- Treasurer WA1MBA reported an approximate balance of $2800
New Business
- Discussion: how to maximize email distribution of NEWSletter?
to other clubs?
WA1MBA motion - after January, one must supply SASE in order
to get hardcopy, otherwise email
Meeting adjourned 1422
From Mark Foster KA1OJ (acting Secretary)
Subject: NEWS Group meeting minutes from Aug 26
The meeting was held at the 2006 ARRL NE Division convention
in Boxboro, Mass. The meeting began at 9:15 AM
- K1MAP presented the results of his investigation into alternate
meeting places. He recommended that the next meeting (Nov 4th)
be held at a library meeting room at a site near Enfield, Ct.
The library is located several miles from the Crowne Plaza Hotel
in Longmeadow, Ma the name of the library is the Storrs library.
(note: the library is NOT in Storrs Ct.). Mark listed the following:
fee is $40, insurance is not required, the meeting room is large,
access is good, located on Rt 5 easy to find, and
ample parking. The motion was approved unanimously.
Maps to the meeting site will be posted on-line and inserted
into the next newsletter.
Meeting will be 1:00 - 4:00 at the library.
The Directors meeting will be at the Friendly's
restaurant in Enfield, Ct at 11:30 am, in booth 5.
- WAB: Henry, KT1J has produced a draft of changes to the rules
for the Worked All Bands award. There was a discussion with
several changes suggested. Tabled until the Nov 4th meeting.
- Stan, W1LE wishes to present a change to the Constitution to
lower our frequency range to cover weak signal experimenters
in lower bands (eg, LF). It will be placed on the agenda
for the Nov 4th meeting.
- Treasurers report: Tom, WA1MBA is the new treasurer.
The signature authority for the checking account will be
transferred soon. Enough funds to cover expenses though not
enough to run off with.
- VP report: Mike, N1JEZ, I got up at 3:00 am to get to the meeting.
Need caffeine. Business meeting ended at 9:45am.
Presentation by Tom, WA1MBA. Tom showed his operations during the
first half of the 10GHz contest. He used Google Earth to show
3d paths of his various contacts together with a
audio/visual extravaganza of light and sound.
Three new NEWS Group members were signed up.
Meeting ended at 10:30 am.
73 Mark KA1OJ
MINUTES of NEWS meeting 15 July 2006 (Picnic)
at the K of C Pavilion, Enfield, CT
KA1OJ called meeting to order at 1350Z
K1MAP report: still looking for new meeting place
N2LIV - VHF conference report:
- Conference is still booked in Enfield for 2007, then prices are
going up. Old hotel in Vernon is offering better deal.
Vernon is possibility for meetings also.
- Proceedings will be on CD-ROM.
- Pack Rats not holding conference this year, only flea market.
Inquired about having joint conferences.
Consensus is that locations are too far apart.
- Mark and Bruce to report at August meeting on location
for future meetings.
Election of officers:
- Treasurer - WA1MBA, unanimous
- A vote of thanks to Bill, K5GWX, for an excellent job.
- Director - a close contest between two worthy candidates.
Most members abstained because they were unable to choose.
Final tally: W1FKF 0 WZ1V several votes.
New business:
KT1J - suggests partial level Worked All Band awards
- workinq group appointed: KT1J, WA1MBA, N1JEZ, W1LE
K5GWX -Dues are due in July - make sure your address and email are correct. preferred for email to reduce undeliverables when email changes.
Greg Bonaguide, WA1VUG, brought a whole carload of nice Rohde & Schwarz test
equipment so folks could check out microwave gear. I was able to retune a
surplus waveguide filter to 24.192 GHz, and others checked out their gear.
Results elsewhere in this NEWSletter.
Thanks to Greg for making this possible.
Next meeting at Boxboro Convention.
Adjourned at 1432Z
W1GHZ, secretary
at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Enfield, CT
Board meeting called to order at 11:40
1. cost of meeting room doubled
- alternatives?
- consensus - K1MAP and others to look around area
2. WA2ZFH has passed away
3. Joe K1NCO is in hospital - card to sign at meeting
NEWS Meeting - called to order at 1:30 by KA1OJ
1. WA1ECF - looking into ARRL VUAC
2. discussion of meeting room cost
- also consider linkage with VHF conference
- consensus for K1MAP to look for alternative in area
- send email to Mark with suggestions
2. T-shirts are in - $10 (very snazzy)
3. a card for K1NCO in hospital was circulated
4. WA1ECF - suggests including VLF weak-siqnal ops below 500KHz - will propose bylaw change
5. Treasurers report: balance ~$2750
- dues are due in July.
- suggest eliminate paper NEWSletter and save $100 per issue
- now sending roughly half by email
6. WA1ECF is soliciting prizes for conference
7. N2LIV - reminder about registration time for conference
- there will be Noise Figure measurements, but no antenna range
Meeting adjourned 2:21
Followed by show-and-tell session. you had to be there.
at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Enfield, CT
Board meeting called to order at 11:44
NEWSletter sent by email has no membership expiration date 20+ former members have not paid for years
- UGM has email list and will work on reminders
Boxboro Convention date conflicts with August NEWS meeting
- W1GHZ could contact Boxboro committe about holding the NEWS meeting at Boxboro
Logo for T-shirt needs decision
Discussion of tower space for possible beacons
- Tower space on Wachusett is difficult
- K1MAP suggests Meridan Mtn
- W1FKF suggests Prospect Hill, Waltham
NEWS meeting called to order at 1:15 by KA1OJ
November minutes had K1MAP call wrong
Treasurers report - all dues are due in July, some members in arrears - will send reminders
K1MAP - spectrum committee - some spectrum committees in CT considering 902 plan
T-shirt discussion - reviewed Logo, a minor tweak was suggested
Motion by WA1MBA - give President authority to approve logo and order shirts for next meeting - unanimous
a signup sheet for orders, price $12, was circulated
Discussion of August meeting conflict with Boxboro, possibility to combine
Motion - to have Secretary pursue holding the NEWS meeting at Boxboro - unanimous
Newsletter discussion -
Motion - to have link to current NEWSletter on NEWS web page - approved with one dissenting vote 1
N2LIV - Eastern VHF/UHF Conference update
- no antenna measuring this year
- band session moderators needed,
- KF6AJ looking for help with registration
- possible Paypal registration
WA2UMX beacon is back on the air, 144.289 MHz
Duct tape auction - some items were donations from WR1Y with proceeds to Red Cross disaster relief $17,
Meeting adjourned 2:19
Followed by a talk on 78GHz signs by WA1MBA
NEWS meeting minutes 19 November 2005
at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Enfield, CT
Board meeting called to order at 11:47AM by Mark KA1OJ
Suggested dates for 2006 meetings:
1/7, 3/18, 4/22, 7/15, 8/26, 11/11
ARRL proposal: changes from cw bands to bandwidth limits
discussed topics for January meeting
NEWS meeting called to order at 1:11PM by Mark KA1OJ
Discussion of suggested meeting dates for 2006
MOTION: - change November meeting 11/4 - approved unanimously
MOTION: - accept suggested meeting dates with Nov. change - approved unanimously
1/7, 3/18, 4/22, 7/15, 8/26, 11/4
Discussion - ARRL VHF/UHF advisory committee
MOTION: - NEWS to make recommendations for VHF/UHF advisory committee to each Division director
in our area (NE and NY) - W1LE to report with recommendations in Jan - approved unanimously
W1MAP looking for members for Spectrum Committee -
Discussion - ARRL proposal to change CW subbands to 100 Hz bandwidth
possible affect on JT65 EME operation
Some gear from the estate of W1JOT was offered for sale
Duct tape auction - some treasures found new homes
A short slide show of the Microwave Update tour of theNASA Deep Space Network
at Goldstone - by W1GHZ and WA1MBA
Discussion of new NEWS shirts - KA1OJ to bring sample next meeting
KT1J presented a slide show and description of the Gore Mountain (FN23) contest operation
adjourned 3:23PM
NEWS meeting minutes 16 July 2005
at Knights of Columbus, Enfield, CT
Meeting called to order at 1307 by WA1MBA, President.
Announcement: dues due each July, check info in database.
It was moved, seconded and voted with more than 75% of the
members present in favor to approve the following:
To amend the By-Laws of the club Constitution, Article 7
changing the words:
"A regular annual assessment of $10.00 per member is hereby
assessed in accordance..."
to read:
"A regular annual assessment of $15.00 per member is hereby assessed
with a renewal on the date of the annual picnic meeting in accordance..."
The constitution requires that these sort of changes need to be
voted upon at two successive meetings, so it will be necessary
to vote on this same motion again at the August meeting. If passed,
the constitution will be changed and it will be time to make the
edits to the official text.
(President's note: Although we voted probably two years ago to change
the membership fee, we didn't follow this two-meeting procedure
and also we didnt pose it as a change to the constitution by-laws).
Announcement: W2SZ needs operators for UHF contest.
Annual election was held:
President - no successful nominations, so WA1MBA will continue
as acting President
Directors - N1MJD, W1RIL
Other officers, continuing terms:
Secretary - W1GHZ
Treasurer - K5GMX
Directors - K1MAP, W1FKF
Thanks to outgoing officers: WA1ECF, W1TDS, W1COT
IMPORTANT: Volunteers are needed if the club is to continue.
A new President is needed.
It's not a lot of work, mainly running the meetings,
and the prestige is enormous.
Meeting adjourned 1324
MDS testing, 10 and 24 GHz.
See July 2005 MDS Testing Results.
respectfully submitted,
Paul Wade W1GHZ,
Secretary, North East Weak Signal Group