NC1I Sept.'01 VHF Contest Limited Multi effort
West Granville, MA FN32 1480' ASL.

( click on any image to enlarge )

Left - 7 el modified KLM at 45 ft. on 6M.

Right - A pair of M2 9's worked great on 2M.

Left - A single KLM on 222 and a pair of M2 13WL's on 432.

Right - One of the 45 ft. rotating masts.

Left - The view from the hill is marvelous.

Right - John N1MUW fills one of the 6KW generators.

Left - Fred N1DPM (left) on 6M and Pete K9PW on 2M.

Right - Frank NC1I (left) on 222 and Mark WA1LPJ (who doubled as cook) on 432.

  • CHECK OUT KA1MDA's Page for more NC1I PHOTOS and VIDEO

    NC1I FN32 Limited Multiop:
    band, QSOs, Qpts, grids
    50: 628 628 77
    144: 738 738 81
    222: 214 428 54
    432: 398 796 66
    TOT: 1978 2590 278 = 720,020

    73 de NC1I, K9PW, N1DPM, N1HS, N1MT, N1MUW, W1QA, WA1LPJ, WA1QFE, and WZ1V.

    N.E.W.S. Group Webpage           MORE PHOTOS