Millennial Cumulative Microwave Contest
Sponsored by
– to encourage microwave activity year round.
Goal – to work as many stations in as many grids as possible, and to encourage new microwave operators.
Period – January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2000
The entry form for the Millennial Cumulative Microwave Contest is now available. Go back through your logs for 2000 and add up all the microwave contacts, then go to the online entry form at:
to enter your score. Entries will be accepted until 28 February 2001, so you can spend the cold winter nights going through the logs. The winner will receive a gaudy trophy, and top 10 scores will receive a plaque or certificate.
- A station may be worked once in each 4-digit grid square (Maidenhead Locater) on each band above 900 MHz from any 4-digit grid square in any calendar month. In subsequent calendar months, station X may again contact station Y in the same 4-digit grid squares as long as at least one of the two stations has moved 10 miles or more from any previous location. For example if W1GHZ logs a contact from FN42 with N1SAI in FN33 in January, then in February, W1GHZ may again log a contact from FN42 to N1SAI in FN33 as long as one or both stations have moved 10 miles or more from the location used in January.
- Either station may move to another 4-digit grid square for additional contacts.
- Exchange is 6-digit grid square, or 4-digit grid square with penalty. If an operator doesn’t know what planet he is on, it doesn’t count.
- All contacts must be at least one kilometer and between different 6-digit grid squares, with the exception of a station’s initial contact on a band, which may be any distance. All modes are permissible.
- Grid circling and other manufactured contacts are prohibited. If it feels like a manufactured contact, don’t do it.
- There is no rule 6.
- Any form of liason is acceptable: lower frequencies, internet, telephone, cell phone, semaphore, or whatever.
- Equipment may only be used for one callsign per calendar month, except for members of immediate family. Thus a spare rig may be loaned out to different operators, but only one operator per month. (A new vanity or upgraded callsign is the same operator.)
- Cooperation and amateur spirit are encouraged. This ain’t a DX contest.
- Any mode that allows exchange of information is permitted, within rules of FCC or other licensing authority.
- Have fun!
- Each contact scores one distance point for each kilometer distance between the 6-digit grid squares, as calculated by the BD program.
- If only 4-digit grid square is exchanged, then distance is calculated to the corner 6-digit square which produce the smallest distance.
- EME contacts use terrestrial distance if grid squares are exchanged, as above. If only TMO reports are exchanged, then the contact is scored as 500 distance points.
- Multiplier: Each unique combination of 4-digit grid squares between which a contact is made is a multiplier of one for each band below 24 GHz, and a multiplier of two for bands at 24 GHz and up. All colors of light count as one band.
- Bonus points: Each new callsign worked scores 100 bonus points. If a station changes callsign during the year, each may be counted. (This relieves other stations of keeping track of all the vanity changes.)
- New band bonus: Any contact made on a band where the operator has never ever made a contact before scores an additional 1000 bonus points. This means once in a lifetime for each band.
- TOTAL SCORE = distance points X multipliers + bonus points.
LOGS: should be submitted by 31 January 2001 to N.E.W.S. Summaries will be posted on the internet as received so you know the logs aren’t lost. The internet site will allow interim results to be posted during the year to encourage activity.
AWARDS: The highest total score in North America will receive a gaudy trophy. If there is a higher score in the rest of the world, a second trophy will be awarded. Second thru fifth place entries will receive a plaque, and sixth thru tenth places will receive a certificate (unless more plaques are sponsored). All entrants will be listed on the internet.
Awards are currently sponsored by:
- Trophies - W1GHZ
- Plaque - N.E.W.S
- Plaque - WA8WZG
- Plaque - Down East Microwave
- Plaque - North Texas Microwave Society