Please type in your Call for desired item before clicking Add to Cart
(we want to make sure your callsign appears at least once on the order)
(a callsign for each entry will help prevent confusion)
Papers will be available online after conference at
Click on "Proceedings Tab
For Mail Registration click here
For Mail Registration Click here
Registration by PayPal is preferred, please
Return to this page to add additional entries
Registration: $40 up to April 30.
$100 after May 1
Saturday Dinner Banquet tickets until April 30
Dinner Choices:
Rib Eye Steak $50,
Chicken Marsala or Vegetarian $40
Please choose ONLY one
Guest Saturday Dinner Banquet tickets until April 30
Dinner Choices:
Rib Eye Steak $50,
Chicken Marsala or Vegetarian $40
Please choose ONLY one
Saturday Lunch
Grinder Lunch on Saturday at Jim's Restaurant
Includes grinder (sub sandwich), salad, drink, and tip $20
Note: Your ticket(s) will be waiting at the event registration entrance.
Registration after May 1 will be $100.
Banquet tickets will be $10 more after April 30 if available.
You must be Registered for the Conference to attend the evening Doorprize drawings.
* Sponsored by North East Weak Signal Group.