HAM-WWW.HTML: Amateur Radio Webpages on Internet Nov 2001:
https://www.newsvhf.com/ham-www.html (main server)
Please click here to send additions/corrections to: WZ1V
If you haven't guessed by now, I am no longer supporting this page. This was a useful project back in the early nineties, when the Web was still in its infancy, and before the advent of modern search engines. This page has been copied or mimicked by dozens of other webmasters, and perhaps you will find it better supported on another site. As far as I'm concerned, I can find literally anything or anyone about Amateur Radio by typing those words into Yahoo.com or one of the other search engines. And thanks to K3TKJ, almost every ham in the world now has their own free Web presence on the QSL.NET and QTH.NET servers. I am glad I could give Amateur Radio a boost on the Web back when it really needed it. It's been a pleasure. -73, Ron Klimas, WZ1V

Table of Contents

  • Table of Contents
  • Businesses
  • Sales
  • Manufacturers
  • Repair
  • Software/Computer
  • Hamfests & Online Swap
  • Publications
  • Non-Ham
  • Clubs (Non-specific)
  • National/International
  • Local (USA)
  • Local (Canada)
  • Local (non-North America)
  • University (North America)
  • University (non-NA)
  • Company Related
  • Non-Ham Common Interest
  • Special Interest Groups & Clubs
  • Antennas
  • Antique or Vintage
  • ATV & SSTV
  • Contesting
  • County Hunting
  • CW Enthusiasts
  • Digital Radio (and Packet)
  • Direction Finding
  • DX
  • Emergency, Service & Special Event
  • Handicapped or Disabled
  • Homebrew
  • Linux
  • Microwave
  • Nets, Non-Emergency
  • Space
  • Spread Spectrum
  • Weak Signal (EME, Meteor, etc.)
  • Information
  • Amateur Radio practice exams
  • Aurora
  • Callsign Servers
  • General Info
  • Governmental Bodies
  • Repeaters
  • Scanner Enthusiast Resources
  • Software Archives & Shareware
  • Solar Flux Info / MUF / etc.
  • SWL (Short Wave Listening) Resources
  • Technology Resources
  • Time
  • Web Resources and Search Mechanisms
  • Miscellaneous Things
  • Individual's Home Pages
  • Other Index Pages and Ham Related Lists
  • Misclass (But Ham related)
  • BBS's and Internet Ties
  • Links That Don't Relate to Radio
  • NEW or changed URL's
  • Links That Don't Work (soon to be deleted...)

  • Businesses


    United States: Canada: Other:




    Hamfests & Online Swap




    Clubs (Non-specific)


    Local (USA)

    If the web page had more local info on it, then it's here. If it had more special interest info on it, look under the special interest category.

    Local (Canada)

    Local (non-North America)

    University (North America)

    Some of these may be listed under the wrong city/state - sometimes the web page didn't make the school's location clear.

    University (non-NA)

    Company Related

    Non-Ham Common Interest

    Special Interest Groups & Clubs


    Antique or Vintage

    ATV & SSTV


    County Hunting

    CW Enthusiasts

    Digital Radio (and Packet)

    Direction Finding


    Emergency, Service & Special Event

    Handicapped or Disabled

    Homebrew & QRP



    Nets, Non-Emergency


    Spread Spectrum

    Weak Signal (EME, Meteor, etc.)


    Amateur Radio practice exams


    Callsign Servers

    Note also that several national clubs also host their own callsign servers.